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Friday, 28 October 2011

Very soon

OK very soon i will go my my friends place for a short while just for fun.We plan to eat Shabu Shabu which i cant wait for i cant wait for it lol.
Then on Sunday it will be the KERA HALLOWEEN PARTY and i cant wait for that to i plan to wear a black dress my mum got for me.I have wrapped up the gift to for the exchange in a dark blue wrapping and yellow bow with two little pom pom cats lol.
But next month November will be my husbands birthday and another KERA SNAP lol i have so many things coming up its got very busy for me but i enjoy it for gives me some thing to do.

P.S. ill leave now with some GREAT news my sister will come to Japan next year with my two little nieces Molly and Olivia in August i am so very happy.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Sorry been a while

Well sorry for it been a long time so ill just get on with the blog recently nothing much happened really.The kittens are doing very well and bigger they love to play and eat to Fudge has a little temper though she very naughty kitty but Chocolate is more relaxed and alot of sleep.
I do plan to go to another Kera Halloween party which i cant wait for im so HAPPY i wonder what happen at this one all i know is that time time its a gift exchange.I had to spend up to ¥700 for the gift so i asked my sister to get the best chocolate ever and that is GALAXY she also got MALTEASERS such a great gift ever hehe.

Well ill finish here for i got things to do now bye bye

Been a few weeks