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Monday 10 December 2012

What happened so far.

Well Novemer is long gone now i celebrated Keisuke bday i got him a cardigan and a custome made cake for him which he loved so much he was scared to cut it which i cant blame him at all it was amazing. Now ill tell you the biggest gift i got him it was a Ringo Starr concert ticket to see in March in Osaka and he cried when i told him i got ticket for him he enever stopped smiling.
Keisuke bday cake as you see its THE BEATLES oh im so happy that he loved his cake so much it took time to eat this for to great, it was filled with fruit and creamy with strawberries inside.

Also yesterday was KERA MARIS SNAP it where you get photos taken to get inside KERA when picked i loved it i got dressed up and Kenji got dressed up. I met Re:No model again was amazing to see her smile face again. We taled alot she ran after Kenji and cuddled him tight i think she wanted to take him home.

Here we are all smiling in photo she was cordination with Mickey Mouse this time it was so cute she held my hands and gave me a big tight hug it was perfect.

Well thats all for now for im very much busy right now i have to pack for UK to see family its been over a year i miss them so much.

Bye bye for now.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Sorry for being so long.

Gosh i have been such a long time sorry so much iv been so busy doing so many things oh hard to keep up with every thing.So i guess ill tell you what things iv been up to and that.Well i made some cute crayons for Kenji and a girl up the street and baked cake and decorated buns there was so yummy . I got new hair cut and Kenji is now rolled in school he will join menxt year and also he will have a cute uniform that will arrive December.What more happen oh yeah i got this years KERA MARIA SHOP halloween party with two designers from DESPER and KASEI im glad to see them again also hope Nobu with be there and my others friends also its on Sunday the party so im nervous. See i have done so many things my blog maybe make so sense lol and scrabbled like an egg but i dont care.

 The cute crayons i made.
 The cake me and Kenji decorated.
 The buns me and Kenji decorated.

The Halloween party ticket from KERA MARIS SHOP cant wait to go there on Sunday ill try take plenty of pics.
 My new hair cut with 2 layers it rocks i love it.
Kenji with a big smile looking pretty as always.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Another amazing month

Well my sister and 2 little ones have returned home and did leave my home a complete mess like a bomb went off but its all done and crispy cleaned thank goodness lol.We did alot of great things and journeys like going to Miyajima for Hello Kitty shop and Shikurashiki to meet my friend Ami they got alot of gifts from her even meeting my 2 friends in Hiroshima they got alot from them to they was spoiled.Some times they would be very naughty and scream but some thing i had to put up with they made Kenji look like an angel lol.Molly,Olivia and Kenji walked around in Miyajima feeding the Deer's Olivia called them Bambi`s lol she funny and bless her we all went to Kera Shop Maria and the photo of that is in there twitter also PEACE NOW Olivia bought a bag from there she never took it off.Gosh to many things we did to much to put down so ill just pop photo`s in and done lol.

 Posing at the Hello Kitty shop in Miyajima they loved it there and bought alot to lol Olivia,Hello Kitty and Molly there big smiles says it all don't they.
 Stroking the Deer there was so many they ran around like mad for them.
 Big trip to the Aquarium they saw Sharks, Rays fish lol every thing they went to big gift shop and got things from there and the photo that was a place they can hold and touch star fish and other sea creatures.

Well that's all for now bye bye.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

A lot this month.

My blogs are slowing down a lot for this month has been extreme busy like mad it was my wedding anniversary i been married 4 years now and also lived in Japan for 4 year also and now its getting hotter and hotter.Also my niece birthday was on 21st she now 5 i wish her a very happy birthday from my Kenji and Keisuke with love yes and on Saturday i meet Eevee so more excitement to come cant wait for the day to get here.Oh yeah i ordered my umbrella light going to be fun to see that when that also gets here and get it set up and sorted out and all that.Just need to get my LEV board and backdrops sorted out to then all done.After that i will save for a flashgun and maybe strobe lights we will see about that.

Well that's all for now bye bye.

Friday 13 July 2012

Making things

This week been interesting there has been thunder and lightning and pouring it down with rain oh sounds so pretty i leave the window and listen to it i could fall asleep nice and snuggled on sofa with a blanket and cup of tea wonderful.So any how iv been making plans this moth to meet a pen pal called Eevee we will meet up very soon I'm getting so excited so much i hope she will not be disappointed of me i would hate she come all the way here to Hiroshima and be let down.I will take her every where so i hope she wear good shoes theres places like Angelic Pretty, Kera, and BPN plus more.I will make sure she have the time of her life when she with me for sure and huge blast.So now i have to get an outfit to wear and i have no idea what i don't know why it be so hard i don't want to be so flashy or any thing i want clothes easy to move around with and take off to try on clothes lol I'm sure ill find some clothes to wear i also plan to get my hair cut its all blah right now she a fresh new look i guess.Right now as i write this i listen to some amazing music for me its a classic of Simply Red he just the best ever loved his music since i was little me and my sister dance and sing to his songs all the time cant help but be amazed.I don't know what more to put so yeah lol.

Well bye bye for now.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Birthday finished

Kenji 3rd birthday is finished it was on  Sunday 1st July we took him to the Hiroshima transport museum he loved it so much Kenji ran around so crazy laughing and saying beep beep oh amazing to see his little face light up with a big smile it was perfect day ever for him.He went on a bike but couldn't reach the peddles and i moved them with my arms and boy i was tired my arms ached after that so no more lol.There was so many cars,trains,planes, and even boats after looking at all the wonderful things he walked into the gift shop he got 3 cars and cooler neck strap to keep himself cool for it is hot now.
We went back home after that but before that we got his birthday cake which we had made for him from a pretty cake store not far from we are it was the most amazing cake ever i loved it he had 3 candles and he blow them out so funny and we ate it and opened gifts we got him.
 The entrance for the museum doesn't look big but it sure was.
 A little tiny town we could operate with buttons and leavers it was fun.
 Kenji McQueen cake from "CARS" says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENJI" on it has a little Anpanman face on it to the strawberries was cut into little stars so yummy.
Kenji with a funny little smile blowing out his candles on his cake took him a while to blow them out but he did a good job spitting on the cake lol.

Well that's all for now bye bye.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

New camera

So Monday we went out to the new DEO DEO its an electrical shop which sells every thing you need from mp3 to light bulbs so any ways the 7th floor is full of my favourite things ever PHOTOGRAPHY oh how i loved it i was like a little girl on Christmas day look at every thing and making a list what i wish to have fun fun fun. SO i saw a Nikon D7000 i was drooling for to have it.The Nikon D7000 felt like it was just right for me so i got it with a big lens and filters also camera bag its all so heavy but i love it feels strong. I got lights LEV boards and tripods and a big camera but now i got even bigger one lol.
So all i need now is 2 SD cards and done i have took a few testers with the new camera and pretty amazing i loved it.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Next Sunday

So next Sunday will be Kenji 3rd Birthday i cant wait we will take him to Hiroshima transport museum to let him see the cars and trains it be fun for him also we ordered him a cake with "cars" from the Disney film on it which cant wait to see how it look and his reaction to it.I plan to give him money for his robot money box what my mum and that got him he loves putting pennies inside it.Now I'm thinking about the gifts i have no idea what to get him so hard he has to any toys already so maybe clothes will be nice.I was also thinking to have a small party and have a chat with Jozi and family on computer for the party so they don't miss out on his Birthday be nice.Ill have to get things wrote down and ready to get even spare batteries for my camera and charge the other camera to i don`t know about decorations hm mm maybe a little will do.
So fun I'm so excited not only that my dads Birthday is 10th July and my niece Olivia on 21st and my wedding anniversary 20th so that's alot lol of July.

Well bye bye for now.

Friday 8 June 2012

Still waiting

Sorry guys been a while many thing good and bad thing have happened so yes been a little up and down today my bracelet broke the one my aunt gave me for my 21 birthday before she passed away i cried like a baby but hope to fix it soon that's pretty much they huge bad thing.The good thing is that i check my calender and not long now for Kenji third birthday oh cant wait i order him a cake with "cars" on it and will take him to see many car and train figures he loves that.
Then August Finally waiting since forever Jozi ,Molly and Olivia will arrive oh my heart is pounding for it to hurry and get here already but shame i cant make time go fast for it lol.

Well a bit late not much really so bye bye for now.

Monday 14 May 2012


Well i was watering the flowers and grass couple days ago and two little rainbows appeared so i took a photo got me thinking there so cute and cheerful so i back biscuits and a cake all themed with rainbow I'm still trying to get used to the oven but i tried so hard and my very best it turned out well I'm so proud of myself to.
Very yummy Kenji ate all the biscuits there was different colours and both sides which was fun to do ill will make again soon well here the photos.
 The rainbow i took while watering flowers you can see two of them.
 The biscuits i made with different colour on the other side i couldn't take pics of other side Kenji ate them.
 On a plate you see the colours "POP" i loved them so much i will bake again.
The cake i also baked as you can see i took a photo of the last bite size piece to show you the colours purple is the last colour hope you see it.

Well that's all for now bye bye.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sorry been long time

Well im back sorry for being a long time its been "GOLDEN WEEK" here in Japan iv been doing alot of things and Keisuke had the week off work to so been travel around and stuff we go to Okayama to see old Japan style house and met my friend Ami we shopping had fun.Also Sunday 6th May was KERA SNAP its an event i got for photoshoot for magazine and met models and friends i wore my "DEOART" and "BPN" with hat and "ALINE AND THE PIRATES" shoes with a headgehog bag that people loved very much they fight over it to hold it.
After KERA SNAP i go shopping for my trousers from KERA and got my KERA LUNCH SNAP it like a KERA SNAP but its a lunch type where only a few people go and eat with other people and have fun and chat about any thing it be my first time soon cant wait. I met up with 2 friends Emiko and Naoko we had cake and iced tea together and shopping with them it was so good to see them they work to hard so we try see each other as much as we can.
 This is me morning of KERA SNAP i know a mess i only came up with outfit and make up at 2:00AM.
 Chan Yu Kimura and me i look messy i was so nervous to meet her but i was brave to go she said i was cute that made me smile alot.
 The QUTIE FLESH trousers i got from KERA sorry bad photo but there very nice i want to wear soon.
 KERA LUNCH SNAP ticket for 20th May i cant wait so exciting but scary at same time but i dont worry alot Emiko and Naoko join me to so ill be ok.
 Naoko,me,Emiko there my best friends ever i met them almost two years ago at KERA halloween party as you can tell there sisters.
Small lip gloss i got very cute i also got my sister and Naoko and Emiko they have different faces on there cute.

Friday 20 April 2012


I know it doesn't sound like alot to you but to me its alot and i thank every one for it very much.I got 11 followers had 66 pages views so far this month and also 131 profile views I'm so happy very much happy.I want to jump up and down all day saying YAY YAY over and over.
I have 56 posts so this should be my 57th post and i also follow 11 people i just looking read what people done its an adventure of other peoples lives just exciting.

Well just a short post i have no idea what more to put I'm just going to be excited still about all this YAY YAY.

Me no make up on i look a mess haha.

That's all for now bye bye.

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Well i finally had a Picnic under a Cherry Blossom tree down at Peace Park man i loved it i woke up so early and got every thing ready like blankets to sit on made sure my Basket was packed with goods and chocolates.But the night before the Picnic i made some amazing cute biscuits with Cherry Blossom flavour i colour them pink and cut them into the Blossom shape flower they taste wonderful i loved them so much.
I had done every thing i wanted to do for this Picnic it was perfect and pretty i loved it sooo much ill do it again soon.
 As you see there was tons of people it was hard to find a place to sit and eat but can you see all the pretty trees oh so wonderful.
 Keisuke looking cute as always he enjoyed the picnic to very much he had chocolate cake.
 Me with one of the biscuits i had made for the Picnic yummy i want more.
 I model the biscuit in front the the Cherry Blossom its so cute.
 Kenji laughed and loved the day very much he ate most of the food like but it was a great day for him.
 All the yummy flowers i made the night before the day there so cute i will do more soon.

Last two photo`s of the day the pretty flowers how wonderful i felt like crying knowing my wish to have a Picnic under the trees came true again.

Well bye bye for now

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Fun so far

So half a week gone but been very fun so far i enjoyed what i did and that i made some pancakes they was amazing to eat Keisuke and Kenji ate them to i will make them again soon.So any ways few days ago we went to the EON shopping centre they had this place where you can see little fish and baby sharks and what not there was a tank where people put there hands in with little fish that nibble they tockled and Kenji loved them he laughed so much.There was also horse shoe crabs i held a small one in my hand that feel so strange but Kenji throw them back in.Thats most what happened but yesterday i got a letter from the GACKT fan club DEARS i got his monthly magazine and a small phone cover i love looking in the magazines.
 The pancakes i made with butter and Maple sauce yummy :P.
 The tank with the small fish they tickle like mad.
 The Gackt monthly magazine they show comics and questions.
The DEARS phone screen cover for Iphone but i dont have that phone so funny.

Well thats all for now bye bye.

Thursday 22 March 2012


Not much apart from going to town i got two tops from KERA where the sleeves have zips there so cool i shown Jozi my sister she wanted one that's why i got two of them i got a black one and Jozi got the purple one i think the colour will go well with her very much.Also Whitby Gothweekend is very soon in April and Jozi wanted some stocking so i got her some from Angelic Pretty i hope she will like them fingers crossed lol.Well Mothers day is over in UK Kenji got me a ring that I'm waiting for it i don't mind waiting i know it will be amazing.April soon so the Sakura will be here very soon and also been a dream to have a picnic under them last times was rain or no room for us to sit but this time i will make room lol.
Well that's all i can think of right now really  so i will post pics down now.
 Angelic Pretty there was tons of stuff in there that i wanted lol.

The stockings i got for Jozi there so cute and look very warm for UK April Gothweekend.The picture above is the zip tops from KERA.

Well that's all for now bye bye

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Craft fun

My sister will be going to the Whitby Goth weekend in April and very soon so she asked me to help her with her theme i cant say what it is but i had to think how can i help.SO today i went to the DAISO shop and got tons of DECO and buttons stuff like sweets and cakes so on and some black hair clips.came home and used my glue gun to pop them on its so simple and easy to do and they look amazing I'm so glad i did them i also hope my sister will like them.didn't take so long to do so i might do more for myself soon not only that but she also wants real sized buns and cakes but fake ones so that one is going to be a big challenge for me to do i sure hope i do it.
Here the pics.

 So here my little box of DECO stuff and cute buttons some i got today and other i had for long time.
 Normal black hair clips i got today from DAISO that i used.
 Finished design there so cute i love them I'm sure my sister will to.
Surrounded by many sweets just a few clips in this photo but still cute.

well bye bye for now.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Closer and not long now

So March is here not long now until my twin sister Jozi come with 2 nieces Molly and Olivia and yes i know iv told about this already maybe but i just cant keep my excitement in at all i feel like screaming from the top of my lungs so badly.So any ways they will arrive in August when there school holiday starts and stay less then 3 weeks and Jozi payed for every thing diam she rich lol i plan to take my little girlie's to great stores like Angelic pretty and KERA my friends cant wait to see them.Also we go to Fukuoka to let them meet Emiko my mum in law and Yumiko my sister in law  there always saying please let them come here so that's what we doing.Emiko and Naoko also wish to meet them and my sister again they will be in such a shock to see how pretty they are.Molly say she want to go to Miyajima and feed the Deer crackers but most of all is the Hello Kitty shop she really loves to go and Olivia she loves Disney so there store at Fukuoka and Osaka where we also will be going.Cant wait to see there faces and see what they will try on or buy themselves oh so amazing i hope my waiting does not last long i wish it was today that they come but i guess good things come to those who wait so yes ill wait for them patiently.

Olivia and Molly there so cute and pretty. 

Well bye bye for now.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Cute Rice

This just a post of how to do coloured rice it`s super cute and just fun to do i love doing this.Iv had so much many people asking me how i do this i say to them its so easy and simple to do i had to share with every one.At first i tried i did for experiment to see what would happen and now i see it works i do it often now so ill share with you how i did it.I think this would be great for parties and for children to do and Bento lunch box be very cute to.I do hope you enjoy doing this as much as i do very much.

Start off with rice of course i used 3 scoops of rice but you can use as much as you like i also used a rice cooker so I'm pretty sure will work in a pan also.

We like to wash our rice before we start to cook it so if you wish to wash thats fine i wash 3 times with water.

Then the fun part you get food colouring any colour you wish i have a Violet sorry for not rotate my picture but i dont think it matters.Now add the colouring with the rice and water and mix it all in well.

Here it is mixed very well and i know it looks a bit blue but needs to be cooked to see the colour it will be.After mix the colour in then you cook till the water has evaporated then you see the wonderful cute rice.

Done here is the finished rice nice Violet colour looks so cute and it was a big suprise for Keisuke and Kenji when they saw this hope you find this fun to do enjoy.

Violet rice and Curry and dont worry the colour doe not effect the taste of the rice but it does make cooking and your food cute.

Pink rice still isnt it cute you do the same thing i said above and you can do any colour you wish like a rainbow thank you very much for reading.

Well bye bye for now.