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Monday, 13 February 2012

Fukuoka weekend

Sorry every one not posted in a while we went to Fukuoka to see my mum-in-law and sister for the weekend it was a long drive to get there. We set off Friday at 7pm and arrive around 2:43am soon as we got there we had a nice hot bath and then went to bed i was so tired like mad.The next day woke up had a breakfast we went to see a "POWER RANGERS" all the character's perform on a stage had a fight a bad guy it was funny.Kenji enjoyed it for after the programme we walked out and he rolled on the floor and jumping like a characters we all laughed so badly.That's all what happened really i only took one picture and that's of Kenji sitting on "AN PAN MAN" train from kiddie arcade.
Well that's all for now bye bye. 

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