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Saturday 2 March 2013

Finished reading Warm Bodies

Not to long ago i ordered my Warm Bodies book after watching the film about 600 times and after 2 days i finished it i couldnt put it down at all. My reviews is a little different from the film but still got the humour and sadness in the way the aurther discribed R is different also but none the less LOVED IT. I have to admit i did giggle and cry reading it. As i sat on bus laughing people staring at me strange i thought nothing of it to focused on this incredible book. I walked in the streets with my head in the book i shocked i could get home for not looking where i going.
Im so glad i ordered this i will read again and again and if my book get olds and pages fall out ill tape them back in.

 Front cover my sister also have book but her cover is different.
This is the back of the book inside has no pictures but does have small scetches.

Well all i can think of right now.
Bye bye for now.

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